Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘God Has Given Trump Authority to Take out Kim Jong-Un’

Pastor Robert Jeffress: ‘God Has Given Trump Authority to Take out Kim Jong-Un’

The pastor of the 12,000-member First Baptist Church in Dallas says that President Donald Trump has God-given authority to “take out” Kim Jong Un of North Korea.

Robert Jeffress, pastor of the church, told CBS that the Bible is “clear” on how to deal with “evil-doers.”

“God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary – including war – to stop evil. In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong-Un,” he said.

“I'm heartened to see that our President – contrary to what we've seen with past administrations who have taken, at best, a sheepish stance toward dictators and oppressors – will not tolerate any threat against the American people.

“When President Trump draws a red line, he will not erase it, move it, or back away from it. Thank God for a President who is serious about protecting our country,” he added.

Jeffress was a member of Trump’s evangelical advisory committee during the election and has continued his relationship with the Trump administration by attending meetings with other prominent evangelicals at the White House.

At the National Day of Prayer he told Trump: “Mr. President, we’re going to be your most loyal friends.”

Jeffress’ statements come after Trump himself said that North Korea would be “met with fire and fury like the world has never seen” if Kim Jong Un did not stop threatening the United States.


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Publication date: August 9, 2017