Pastor Robert McKeehan Commits Suicide, Congregation Grieves

Pastor Robert McKeehan Commits Suicide, Congregation Grieves

A pastor in North Carolina died Friday after hanging himself in his home.

Robert McKeehan, 42, was pastor of the Community Bible Church in High Point, N.C.

According to the High Point Police Department, McKeehan was found dead on April 11.

McKeehan’s wife, Elizabeth, wrote on McKeehan's Facebook page Saturday, asking for prayers.

"With saddened hearts for our earthly loss, but joyful for heaven's gain, we inform you that Robert McKeehan finished his race for God and entered into His presence Friday night. Details regarding his celebration of life service are pending and will be posted shortly. John, Scarlett and I (Elizabeth) along with our families covet your prayers for comfort and peace in the days, weeks and months ahead," she wrote.

Church family members have said they do not know why he would commit suicide.

“As you can imagine, there's been a lot of grief and a lot of numbness," Richard Curtis, chairman of Community Bible's elder board said in an hpe report. "We're sad, of course — we're going to be poorer for the loss — but we're also trying to help people understand that even though this is not the path we would've chosen, God is sovereign, and we're still going to praise and worship our God."

"Why Robert took his own life is always going to be one of the secret things," said Curtis. "What God has revealed to us, however, is the promise we hold onto in Romans 8:28: 'We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him.' God has proven that to our church in the past when we've had difficult times, so we know that certainty will again prove true as we move beyond the question of why."


Publication date: April 16, 2014