Pastor Saeed Abedini Prepares to Return to U.S. in Good Health

Pastor Saeed Abedini Prepares to Return to U.S. in Good Health

Pastor Saeed Abedini who was recently released from an Iranian prison is preparing to transition back into life with his family in the U.S.

Charisma News reports that Abedini is faring well considering his three-year long time in prison.

"His spirits are great. He looked in good physical health," said North Carolina congressman Robert Pittenger who flew to Germany where Abedini is waiting to return to the U.S. "I think he's come out of it very well, mentally, physically, emotionally—he's engaged."

Abedini was mostly kept in isolation during his imprisonment, but during the last six months, he was reportedly treated better and given better food. It is speculated that this is because Iran was anticipating his release as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal, and did not want to return him to the U.S. in poor condition.

"I think the Iranians had probably predetermined they were going to be releasing him, so they took good care of him, I think, the last six months," Pittenger said. "I think they treated him very well and fed him well to make sure he was fattened up and looked good."

Abedini said he is seeking God’s leading for his future as he returns home to his family.

“He is very close to the Lord, we had a wonderful time of prayer. He senses God's calling on his life and he wants to please Him by way of his life and his family first," Pittenger reported.

Back in November, Abedini’s wife, Naghmeh, shared on social media that she and Saeed have had marital struggles, including emotional and verbal abuse.

"The reality is that we are not heroes. Jesus is the only hero. He is our only example, and we are broken people with issues," she told CBN News hours after her husband's release.

Publication date: January 21, 2016