Pastor Writes Book Claiming Sex Outside of Marriage is Okay for Christians

Pastor Writes Book Claiming Sex Outside of Marriage is Okay for Christians

A pastor in Illinois is under fire for writing a book that claims sex between unmarried individuals is okay as long as it’s “mutually pleasurable and affirming.” Christian Today reports Rev. Bromleigh McCleneghan, the associate pastor for ministry with families at Union Church of Hinsdale, says that abstinence is not actually required of Christians. 

In an article for the Washington Post, McCleneghan said, "I'd argue that we can be chaste – faithful – in unmarried sexual relationships if we exercise restraint: if we refrain from having sex that isn't mutually pleasurable and affirming, that doesn't respect the autonomy and sacred worth of ourselves and our partners."

She continued, "There are those who feel that they are called to seasons of celibacy, or even years of celibacy, and if answering that call is life-giving and purposeful, then they should take it up as a spiritual discipline. But no call can be forced on an unwilling person, especially not if they find themselves single only by virtue of circumstance."

The married mother of three has conservative pastors in arms. Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Christian Fellowship said that he feared McCleneghan’s views would push people away from God. 

Publication date: September 2, 2016