Pat Robertson: Tornadoes Wouldn't Happen if More People Prayed

  • Religion Today
  • Published Mar 07, 2012
Pat Robertson: Tornadoes Wouldn't Happen if More People Prayed

March 7, 2012

In the wake of an outbreak of tornadoes in the Midwest and South that have killed 39 people, televangelist Pat Robertson said Monday people could prevent the deadly storms by praying. "God doesn't send tornadoes to hurt people," he said. "We call them acts of God, but they're not. All I can say is, why do you build houses in a place where tornadoes are apt to happen? If enough people were praying He would've intervened; you could pray. Jesus stilled the storms, you can still storms. But the hurricane, for example, is a release mechanism that God set in to take heat out of this world and to transfer heat around various parts of the globe. It's very necessary. The fact that people want to build houses on the edge of an ocean is their fault, it's not God's ... so don't blame God for doing something foolish."