Paul Ryan Comes Out in Support of Homosexual Adoption

  • Religion Today
  • Updated May 03, 2013
Paul Ryan Comes Out in Support of Homosexual Adoption

Former vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan, who made a bid for the White House as the running mate of Republican nominee Mitt Romney last year, revealed this week that he now believes homosexuals should be able to adopt children, the Christian News Network reports. Ryan was speaking at a town hall gathering in Janesville, Wis., when he was asked by an attendee about his views on same-sex marriage, the Employer Non-Discrimination Act, and homosexual adoption. He explained that while he remains opposed to same-sex marriage, his views have changed about permitting children to be adopted by gay couples. "Adoption, I'd vote differently these days," he said. "That was, I think, a vote I took in my first term, 1999 or 2000. I do believe that if there are children who are orphans who do not have a loving person or couple, I think if a person wants to love and raise a child, they ought to be able to do that. Period. I would vote that way."