Pennsylvania Drag Queen Story Time with 'Annie Christ' Sparks Protest

  • Kayla Koslosky Former Editor
  • Updated Feb 01, 2019
Pennsylvania Drag Queen Story Time with 'Annie Christ' Sparks Protest

A Philadelphia library announced that they will be hosting a drag queen story hour with “Annie Christ” – to sound like “AntiChrist” – and some people in the community are pushing back.

According to the Christian Post, the Lansdale Public Library is inviting kids from across the community to “Drag Queen Story Fun Time with Annie” this Saturday. While library director Tom Meyer says the event has “overwhelming” support, he also noted that the event has attracted more complaints than ever before.

The Christian Post reports that Meyer said they are going through with the event, despite push back, because it is a celebration of inclusion. He said, “One of the tenets of our mission here is to celebrate cultural diversity in the community, and I think a lot of the parents are interested in that and also the message of the story time, about acceptance and inclusion.”

Others, however, see this event as doing the exact opposite, and instead of demonstrating inclusion, it is attacking Christianity.

A Facebook Event page for a prayer rally against the event said of the Drag Queen story time, “Lansdale, Pennsylvania, is bringing perversion from the nightclubs and sexually charged pride parades into the library with children.”

It continues, “Trusted officials and library staff are promoting a foul-mouthed adult entertainer named ‘Annie Christ’ (a discriminative attack on Christianity) as a role model to our small children."

The event, which is expected to bring in a handful of protesters, already has nearly 150 people confirmed to attend on Saturday.

Photo courtesy: Pixabay