Planned Parenthood Lobbyist Champions Killing Babies Born Alive

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Apr 26, 2013
Planned Parenthood Lobbyist Champions Killing Babies Born Alive

A Florida Planned Parenthood official made a case for post-birth abortions last week at a hearing for a state bill requiring abortionists to provide medical assistance to a baby born alive, WORLD reports. Republican state Rep. Jim Boyd asked Alisa Laport Snow, a lobbyist representing Florida's Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, what would happen if a baby was born as a result of a botched abortion. "We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family and the physician," Snow responded. When asked what Planned Parenthood physicians would do if the baby was "alive, breathing on a table, moving," Snow said she didn't know because she was not a physician. She later reiterated her position that the decision should be "between the patient and the healthcare provider," but Rep. Jose Oliva asked, "I think that at the point the patient would be the child struggling on the table, wouldn't it?" Snow replied: "That's a very good question. I don't really know how to answer that." Meanwhile, in Philadelphia, abortionist Kermit Gosnell is currently on trial for doing exactly what Snow recommended -- killing babies after they were born alive. Gosnell faces murder charges in the death of a 41-year-old woman who suffered a botched abortion, as well as the deaths of seven babies who were born alive through induced labor, then killed by Gosnell or his untrained staff. The abortionist is accused of snipping the babies' spinal cords with scissors.