Planned Parenthood Worried in Wake of Clinton Defeat

Planned Parenthood Worried in Wake of Clinton Defeat

In the wake of Trump’s unprecedented victory in the presidential election, Planned Parenthood sent an email to its supporters, urging them to continue their support.

According to, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards voiced her deep disappointment and frustration that Donald Trump was elected, but then called on supporters not to be discouraged and to continue in their support.

“Let’s get all these words out of the way: Devastated. Angry. Heartbroken. Outraged. Shocked. Sad. Disgusted. Ashamed. Discouraged. Exhausted. Shattered,” her email began.

“And now four more words — the most important ones:

These. Doors. Stay. Open.

I know that you and I can’t possibly have enough words to describe our feelings about what happened in this election and what lies ahead.

If you want to stay in bed or hide from the world, I can’t blame you. But I hope you won’t. Instead, I hope you’ll join me in focusing on those important four words: These. Doors. Stay. Open.”

Although some conservatives have even accused Trump of not supporting the pro-life cause as fervently as they would like, he has promised to defund Planned Parenthood, ban late-term abortions, and appoint conservative Supreme Court justices who may overturn Roe v. Wade.

Richards and abortion-supporters fear he will make good on those promises.

“It’s up to us to keep fighting to protect Planned Parenthood health centers, so they can continue to serve the people who rely on the.

It’s up to us to make sure that Planned Parenthood health centers will be there wherever and whenever they are needed, no matter what,” she continued.

Richards ended the email by condemning the opposition and calling on her supporters to help stop their efforts.

“We will continue to stand and fight. And we’re not alone. Most people believe in access to health care, reproductive services, and abortion. We have seen what our opposition is capable of and the consequences are inconceivable. You, me, and the rest of the Planned Parenthood family must — will — stop them. That’s what we do.”


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Publication date: November 10, 2016