Poison Gas Attack in Syria Leaves Dozens Dead and Injured, Including Children

Poison Gas Attack in Syria Leaves Dozens Dead and Injured, Including Children

A chemical weapons airstrike attack has killed dozens in Syria, including at least 10 children.

The airstrikes hit the city of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib province early Tuesday morning. When they struck their targets, the blasts released an unidentified poisonous gas or chemical substance that caused asphyxiation to those who inhaled it.

Residents of Khan Sheikhoun were being treated by doctors and evacuated to Turkey, according to activists.

The exact death toll is still being debated, with some groups saying about 50 people were killed while others put the number as high as 100.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said there were at least 58 casualties, including 10 children, while the Syrian White Helmets put the number at 50 with over 300 injured. The High Negotiations Committee claimed the death toll could be as high as 100 with 400 injured.

Video from the aftermath of the airstrikes shows doctors treating victims with masks and oxygen and children with bandaged wounds.

According to CNN.com, it is thought that the attack was carried out by forces of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, in collusion with Russian forces.

Human rights activists, as well as some American politicians have condemned the attack and called on the U.S. to step in to support the Syrian people.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) called on President Trump to say, "we're going to arm the Free Syrian Army, we're going to dedicate ourselves to the removal of Bashar Assad, we're going to have the Russians pay a price for their engagement."

"The Iranians and Hezbollah are also heavily involved,” McCain added. “All players here are going to have to pay a penalty, and the United States of America is going to be on the side of people who fight for freedom, and we will not sit by and watch chemical weapons being used to slaughter innocent women and children."   



Publication date: April 4, 2017