Poll: Majority of Americans Want Trump and Clinton to Address Christian Persecution

Poll: Majority of Americans Want Trump and Clinton to Address Christian Persecution

A recent poll found that the majority of Americans want the major presidential candidates--Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump--to address the issue Christian persecution.

ChristianToday.com reports that the Harris poll was commissioned by Open Doors USA, an organization that monitors Christian persecution around the world. 

The poll found that 76 percent of respondents said they agreed to the following statement:

"It is important to me that the next US President be committed to addressing the persecution that some Christians face around the world (eg., imprisonment, beheadings, rape, loss of home and assets)."

Back in March, the U.S. officially declared ISIS atrocities against Christians and other minorities in the Middle East to be genocide. Hillary Clinton also acknowledged that “we now have enough evidence” to label the persecution of minorities in the Middle East “genocide.”

David Curry, the president and CEO of Open Doors, stated: "Persecution of Christians, as well as adherents of other faiths, has grown exponentially in recent years. Governments are clamping down on religious freedom of expression, causing millions to face displacement, harassment, imprisonment, beatings and even death. Americans are looking to each presidential candidate for clear and decisive plans to address this growing global crisis."

The presidential contest is shaping up to officially be between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. The Republican National Convention officially nominated Trump today. The Democratic National Convention begins Monday, July 25. 

Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: July 20, 2016