Pope Francis Calls for Protection of Migrants in Europe

Pope Francis Calls for Protection of Migrants in Europe

Pope Francis has addressed European migration and urged the European Parliament to protect immigrants. 

Pope Francis said, "We cannot allow the Mediterranean to become a vast cemetery,” in regard to the refugees that attempt to cross the dangerous waters to reach safety. 

"The absence of mutual support within the European Union runs the risk of encouraging... solutions which fail to take into account the human dignity of immigrants, and thus contribute to slave labour and continuing social tensions,” the Pope continued. 

Christian Today reports that 3,000 migrants died while trying to cross the Mediterranean this year, double the number of deaths in 2013.

Anesty International spokesman Nicolas J. Beger said, “As the EU builds its walls higher and higher, migrants and refugees are increasingly taking to the Mediterranean waters in a desperate bid to reach safety and sanctuary in Europe. Tragically they are increasingly paying the highest cost, losing their lives at sea."

Publication date: November 25, 2014