5 Prayers for Innocent Palestinians in Gaza

  • Whitney Hopler Crosswalk.com Contributing Writer
  • Published Oct 18, 2023
5 Prayers for Innocent Palestinians in Gaza

As war rages between Israel and Hamas, it is important to remember the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire. Gaza – a small strip of land on the eastern Mediterranean coast near Israel that is home to more than 2 million Palestinian people – is being bombarded in the war. Already, thousands of innocent Palestinians in Gaza have been killed. More have been wounded, cut off from vital supplies such as water and electrical power, and left homeless by the conflict. Every civilian who is suffering in this war on both sides is a valuable soul, created and beloved by God. While we pray for both Israelis and Palestinians, let’s remember to pray for the innocent Palestinians in Gaza who are facing an especially challenging crisis. Gaza is a focal point of international concern because so many civilians are trapped in the violence there during the current humanitarian crisis. Even in the midst of such heartbreaking suffering, God is present, offering hope. Here are five prayers for innocent Palestinians in Gaza that you can pray to help those who are suffering there. 

1. A Prayer for Comfort and Healing

Heavenly Father, I feel the pain of the people in Gaza who are suffering tremendously right now. Please help those who are wounded and grieving. Help those who don’t have access to water, food, electricity, or medical care. Help the refugees who have been pushed out of their homes by this war. Please provide comfort and healing to all innocent Palestinians who have been affected physically and emotionally by the violence happening in Gaza. Thank you for your promise in Psalm 34:18 that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Let the innocent people in Gaza notice your presence with them and feel your love in the midst of their suffering. Thank you, loving Father. Amen. 

2. A Prayer for Humanitarian Aid

Dear God, you are deeply compassionate. Please open the hearts of individuals from nations around the world to send much-needed humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. You call all believers to help people in need. Remind our brothers and sisters in Christ of your guidance in Galatians 6:2: “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Please clear the way logistically for food, clean water, medical supplies, and other needed items to reach those who are suffering, in time to help them. I ask for international solidarity and cooperation to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza. Please speak to the leaders of nations around the world through your Holy Spirit, urging them to help innocent people who are suffering in Gaza. May the world unite in a common goal of easing the suffering of all people impacted by this war. May your love flow through many believers internationally who have the resources to help innocent Palestinians in Gaza. I’m grateful for your help. Amen. 

3. A Prayer for Hope and Resilience

Dear God, please give hope and resilience to the people of Gaza who have faced so many hardships during conflicts over the years, especially now during this war. May they find the strength to endure and rebuild, knowing that you haven’t forgotten about them, and that you are working through caring believers to help them. Let innocent Palestinians in Gaza find encouragement in Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Please lift their perspective beyond their difficult circumstances to you, so they can hold onto hope and remain resilient, even in their most challenging times. Thank you, mighty God. Amen. 

4. A Prayer for the Children of Gaza

Merciful Jesus, I’m especially concerned about the children of Gaza. You intend for children to grow up in safe and loving environments so they can thrive. I know your heart breaks along with mine as you see the violence that children in Gaza are going through. Please protect them from harm and fear, and give them the opportunities they deserve to grow, learn, and thrive. In Matthew 19:14, you say, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” May the hope that the children of Gaza have be stronger than the conflict around them. Reach out to them and let them experience your love. Thank you; amen. 

5. A Prayer for Peace

Jesus, our Prince of Peace, please give the people of Gaza the gift of peace. Thank you for hearing the cries of innocent children, teens, and adults who have endured so much pain in this conflict. Please send them the peace that Philippians 4:7 describes: “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,” to guard their hearts and minds. I pray for a quick resolution to this war – one that brings an end to the suffering and paves the way for a brighter future. Please bring about reconciliation and understanding between everyone involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Help leaders on both sides find the wisdom and courage to seek a peaceful resolution that respects the dignity and rights of all people, regardless of their background. Remind leaders of what you say in Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” May all the innocent Palestinians in Gaza find hope in Isaiah 26:3, which reminds them that “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” Thank you, Lord. Amen. 

In times of great suffering, our prayers have the power to bring real hope to those in need. We can pray with confidence that God will answer our prayers. So, let’s unite in prayer for the innocent civilians in Gaza, praying across borders for God to help them in the midst of their pain and ultimately bring healing and peace to this troubled region. Our prayers can lead to a better future for everyone involved in the current war.

Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Ahmad Hasaballah / Stringer 

headshot of author Whitney HoplerWhitney Hopler is the author of the Wake Up to Wonder book and the Wake Up to Wonder blog, which help people thrive through experiencing awe. She leads the communications work at George Mason University’s Center for the Advancement of Well-Being. Whitney has served as a writer, editor, and website developer for leading media organizations, including Crosswalk.com, The Salvation Army USA’s national publications, and Dotdash.com (where she produced a popular channel on angels and miracles). She has also written the young adult novel Dream Factory. Connect with Whitney on X/Twitter and on Facebook