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Pro-Abortion Activists Upset over New York Times Cover Photo Featuring Pro-Lifers

Pro-Abortion Activists Upset over New York Times Cover Photo Featuring Pro-Lifers

Pro-abortion activists were outraged after The New York Times featured a picture of pro-life activists as their cover photo. reports that the photo of pro-life New Wave Feminists holding signs in support of life was taken during a protest outside the Supreme Court on Wednesday when the Court was hearing an important case involving access to abortion.

Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards was one of the pro-choice activists upset at The New York Times feature picture and story.

“@NYTimes forgot to take photos of the 3k folks rallying yesterday for #reprorights. Send them your best pics!” tweeted Richards. She later tweeted out “a few options for you, @nytimes.”

RH Reality Check researcher Laura Huss also tweeted her anger over The New York Times’ photo choice. 

“Dissapointed @nytimes misrepresented #SCOTUS rally picturing posters promoting junk science &only 1 side of story #StoptheShamfor media too,” wrote Huss.

Pro-abortion activists cited National Public Radio’s coverage of pro-choice protesters to prove that pro-life activists were not the only ones at the Supreme Court supporting their view.

The pro-life New Wave Feminists, however, took to their Facebook and Twitter accounts to post a picture of the woman holding the pro-life sign in The New York Times’ photo, holding a copy of the paper with the said photo. 

“Sorry @PPFA, the front page is taken. #newwavefeminists,” the group posted. 

Photo courtesy:

Publication date: March 4, 2016