Pro-Life Actor and Football Player Attend March for Life Rally

Pro-Life Actor and Football Player Attend March for Life Rally

Actor Kelsey Grammer and MVP and former football player Matt Birk both attended the 2016 March for Life.

Grammer and his wife Katye attended a rally last week that kicked off the March for Life, according to

“There are better ways to avoid pregnancy than abortion. We advocate those. We can respect a woman’s right to choose and respect a child’s right to life at the same time. They do not need to stand in opposition,” Katye wrote on Instagram. “We need never kill another innocent life. Respect life.”

In late 2015, Grammer posted a picture of himself wearing a pro-life shirt. The shirt read: “Would it Bother Us More if They Used Guns?”

In an interview with Piers Morgan, Grammer said: “I don’t tend to warm too well to people that tell me how I’m supposed to think. So, my life in Hollywood — I’m afraid I was destined to be a Republican.”

Birk, who played center for the Minnesota Vikings and the Baltimore Ravens, spoke at March for Life, telling the crowd why he chose to be there.

“We march, because I've never heard a woman give birth to a baby and say, 'I wish I had an abortion.' That is why we march,” he said.

“I've never heard of a worker at a life clinic who decided to go work at an abortion clinic. That is why we march,” he said.

Birk declined to meet President Obama when the Ravens won the Super Bowl in 2013 because of the president’s view on abortion.

“I have great respect for the office of the presidency, but about five or six weeks ago, our president made a comment in a speech and he said, 'God bless Planned Parenthood,'” he said. “Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year.”

“I am Catholic. I am active in the pro-life movement, and I just felt like I couldn't deal with that,” Birk added. “I couldn't endorse that in any way."

Photo courtesy: Veronica Neffinger

Publication date: January 26, 2016