Pro-Life Groups Want Proper Burial for Babies Killed by Gosnell

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Aug 28, 2013
Pro-Life Groups Want Proper Burial for Babies Killed by Gosnell

The Philadelphia medical examiner has refused a request from a coalition of pro-life groups who want to provide a proper burial for the dead babies found in abortionist Kermit Gosnell's clinic, the Christian Post reports. The medical examiner, Sam Gulino, said his office does not release deceased bodies to "unrelated third parties," but he assured the groups that the babies would receive a "proper and respectful disposition," The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Sunday. The groups include Alliance Defending Freedom, Christian Defense Coalition, Priests for Life, Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania, Stand True, Students for Life in America and Operation Rescue. On Sunday, about 60 members of the groups held a prayer vigil outside the examiner's office while holding signs with names for the babies they want released into their care. The Rev. Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition claimed that Gulino has changed the standards by which his office releases deceased bodies for political reasons. "The official guidelines and regulations set forth by the medical examiner make it clear that any 'interested' party can put in a request asking for any unidentified person to be released into their care," he said. "It is tragic and barbaric that government officials are playing 'abortion politics' with these innocent babies. These children were brutalized once by Kermit Gosnell. We are now demanding that they are not brutalized again by the City of Philadelphia." Forty-seven babies were found in Gosnell's clinic when he was arrested. He was found guilty of the murder of three babies that he delivered alive and killed as an abortion procedure. He was also found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the death of one mother who died during an abortion procedure. In May, Gosnell accepted a plea deal for life in prison to avoid the death penalty.