Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Fight to Get Negative Reviews Taken Down

Pro-life Pregnancy Centers Fight to Get Negative Reviews Taken Down

Pro-life pregnancy centers are fighting false negative online reviews about the centers.

According to, comedienne Lizz Winstead and her organization, “Lady Parts Justice League,” are inundating Google’s business sites for the pregnancy centers with negative reviews.

As part of their “Expose Fake Clinics” campaign the group posted more than 100 negative reviews on the Google My Business profiles of centers in Ohio, the Midwest and Canada.

Reviews marked the facility with a single star and said the center was a “religious facility masquerading as a medical facility. This is a FAKE CLINIC!”

Extend Web Services and Heartbeat International, companies that help the pregnancy center business sites, has asked Google to remove about 40 of the negative reviews.

Other pregnancy centers were notified of the situation and shown how to flag false negative reviews.

“These people are professing to be the defenders against false information, yet this past week, we’ve seen them running at full speed across the United States and Canada flinging fake reviews every which way they can,” said Tim Stephens, a web marketing specialist with Extend Web Services. “They just can’t seem to help but contradict themselves.”

This isn’t the first time “hacktivists” have tried to ambush pregnancy centers through online reviews.

Last February, a Planned Parenthood employee posted fake reviews on the Google page for Women’s Choice Network, a pregnancy center in Pittsburgh. The reviews were flagged and many of them removed from the site.


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Publication date: October 31, 2017