Professor is Locked out of Google, YouTube Accounts for Politically Incorrect Views

Professor is Locked out of Google, YouTube Accounts for Politically Incorrect Views

A Canadian psychology professor has reportedly been locked out of his Google and YouTube accounts, seemingly due to his politically incorrect views.

The Stream reports that Professor Jordan B. Peterson of the University of Toronto has over 350,000 YouTube subscribers who watch the lectures, interviews, and Q&As he posts, often on controversial, politically incorrect topics.

Last year, Peterson came under scrutiny for his YouTube video which criticized a law that would make it a criminal offense to use the wrong gender pronoun to identify someone. The bill has since become law.

Recently, Peterson discovered that he was unable to access his Google and YouTube accounts. Peterson then sent an email to Google, requesting an explanation for why he was locked out.

“Please tell me what principle I have violated,” said Peterson in his email. “I have not violated any terms that I am aware of and have not misused my account.”

Google responded: “We understand you’ve recently been unable to access your Google account, and we appreciate you contacting us. After review, your account is not eligible to be reinstated due to a violation of our Terms of Service.”

Although he did not receive a full explanation of why he was locked out, Peterson assumes it was because of his politically incorrect views.

“[T]he fact that they reviewed it and then decided that my account is not eligible to be reinstated indicates to me either that this is quite a curious mistake or that there’s something that’s political going on that is associated with censorship,” he said.

Peterson was able to regain access to his accounts soon after receiving the email from Google.


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Publication date: August 3, 2017