Publisher Refuses to Cancel Tullian Tchividjian Book Deal Despite Scandal

Publisher Refuses to Cancel Tullian Tchividjian Book Deal Despite Scandal

Tullian Tchividjian is being asked to step down from all forms of ministry after several women have come forward to say they had affairs with the former pastor.

But even despite the new accounts, Tchividjian’s book publisher, David C. Cook, has said they will still publish his new book, which is slated to be about grace.

“Our status with him (Tchividjian) hasn’t changed,” Chief Advancement Officer Tim McDonald recently told the Christian Post. “We’re committed to him and his family as a publisher and will continue to be so.”

One of the women with whom Tchividjian had an affair, said that he “love-bombed” her with “promises of marriage.”

Since Rachel, two other women have come forward, saying Tchividjian called and texted them while he was married.

Six pastors, two ministry leaders and a counselor released an open letter this week, calling for Tchividjian to step away from ministry.

“[W]e were encouraged that Tullian seemed committed to walking a path of healing and renewal through repentance under the authority of his church of membership. However, later disclosures, and these most recent allegations, cast grave doubts over the sincerity of this commitment,” the letter said.

“For the sake of his eternal soul, we implore Tullian Tchividjian to repent of his wickedness and demonstrate his repentance by submitting himself to the leadership of his church of membership, pursuing forgiveness, healing, and reconciliation with those whom he has sinned against.”


Photo courtesy: Twitter/TullianTchividjian

Publication date: December 7, 2016