Puerto Rican Baptists Boycott Franklin Graham Rally Due to His Support for Trump Travel Ban

Puerto Rican Baptists Boycott Franklin Graham Rally Due to His Support for Trump Travel Ban

A group of Baptist leaders in Puerto Rico has issued a statement saying they will not be supporting a rally to be held by the Rev. Franklin Graham due to Graham’s stance on immigration and his support for President Trump’s travel ban.

According to ChristianToday.com, Graham was scheduled to hold a rally in San Juan, which will be held at the same stadium where Graham’s father, the famous evangelist Billy Graham, preached to 175,000 people in 1995.

"The Baptist Churches of Puerto Rico historically affirms that our standard of faith and conduct is the Bible. From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God continually calls us to justice, to love, peace and mercy and, above all, to accompany the marginalized, foreigners, widows and orphans,” read part of the statement issued by the Baptist leaders.

The statement continued, saying that Trump’s immigration policies and his executive order banning immigrants from seven predominantly Muslim countries for a period of 120 days "attack the life of our neighbour, and Jesus has always called us to love even enemies and to be our brother's keeper.”

Graham, however, has said that this is “not a Bible issue" and that America’s leaders must protect their people. He has also said he is in favor of extreme vetting and of prioritizing Christian refugees.


Photo courtesy: Wkimedia Commons

Publication date: February 8, 2017