R.C. Sproul Jr. Accepts Plea Agreement, Given Probation in Drunk Driving Incident

R.C. Sproul Jr. Accepts Plea Agreement, Given Probation in Drunk Driving Incident

Pastor, author, speaker, and Christian leader R.C. Sproul Jr. recently accepted a plea agreement in his drunk driving case.

ChristianNews.net reports that Sproul was initially charged with four counts of drunk driving, including the felony charge of operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol with a minor also in the vehicle.

Sproul had been sentenced to a year and 183 days of jail time, but he has since accepted a plea agreement which will suspend the former charges and allow him to bypass the jail sentence in favor of a year of probation.

Sproul was stopped and arrested by a police officer in Indiana who noticed him weaving all over the road. “When he was eventually stopped, the officer observed that he needed support to walk, he swayed, mumbled and had a moderate smell of alcohol on his breath. A chemical test later revealed his blood alcohol content as 0.175," according to a report.

Following the news of Sproul’s drunk driving incident, he was dismissed from the board of directions of Ligonier Ministries, which was founded by his father, R.C. Sproul Sr.

“Last Friday, the board of directors of Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College received and affirmed the resignation of Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr. He is stepping away from his duties at the ministry and the college for personal reasons,” said a statement from the ministry at the time. “This was communicated by phone to his father, Dr. R.C. Sproul, the founder of Ligonier Ministries and chancellor of Reformation Bible College, and it was later communicated in writing to the entire board of directors of Ligonier Ministries.”


Publication date: June 19, 2017