Rapture Film "The Remaining" Coming to Theaters

Rapture Film "The Remaining" Coming to Theaters

A thriller movie about the rapture, titled “The Remaining,” is slated to hit theaters soon. The movie is from writer, producer, director Casey La Scala and will tell the story of those left behind after the rapture.

Production company officials are saying that the movie is an accurate and biblical depiction of rapture.

Unlike the “Left Behind” film series or HBO’s “The Leftovers,” people in the movie who are raptured will leave their physical bodies behind.

"In really diving into the word 'paralambano'— the Greek word... what's interesting is that same word is used when the angel tells Joseph about Mary— 'Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife,'" Affirm Films Senior Vice President Rich Peluso said.

"So obviously to take her... is not to make her disappear. It's another shade of this word, to bring someone into yourself— to receive them."

In the movie, those who are not raptured are chased by an evil force.

“Have you settled the things you need to say? Have you made decisions with faith?” La Scala said. “I want the audience to take away this idea of (considering) where are they right now— where are we with the people we love, where are we in our lives?”

Publication date: August 20, 2014