Redskins Quarterback Kirk Cousins Says His Trials were Part of God's Plan

Redskins Quarterback Kirk Cousins Says His Trials were Part of God's Plan

Washington Redskins quarterback Kirk Cousins led his team to victory over the New York Giants on Sunday (Nov. 29), securing the team’s lead spot in the NFC East. But Cousins faced adversity before being named quarterback; the NFL football player now says he realizes that the trials he went through were all a part of God’s plan. 

Cousins was only named quarterback after Robert Griffin III was injured. The 27-year-old told CBN News that he never expected to be a starting quarterback. 

"The fact that I basically ruled out that opportunity and yet here I am… just shows how God is bigger than our setbacks and bigger than our trials," Cousins said. 

Prior to Cousins’ NFL career, he played for Michigan State, starting out as a backup quarterback, before being promoted to the starter. 

He says a broken ankle in high school could have cost him his recruitment, but God had other plans for his life. 

"A broken ankle, or a setback here or there, isn't going to get in the way of God's plan. At the end of the day, much like my college decision, when you know that God has his hand in it and that He has a plan, it takes much of my worry and much of my doubts. It takes them away because I trust that He brought me here for a reason," Cousins said. 

Though he does not know what his future holds, Cousins said that he hopes to be a leader and follower of Christ on and off the field. 

"Whether I'm the starting quarterback or the third string quarterback or not even playing in the NFL, I'm still going to be a leader," he said. "I'm still going to influence people for Christ. No matter what my role is on this team I'm going to use that opportunity in the locker room each and every day."

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Publication date: December 4, 2015