Report: Boko Haram Killed 1,000 People Since January

Report: Boko Haram Killed 1,000 People Since January

A new report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) says terrorist group Boko Haram has killed over 1,000 people since January. Hundreds more have been abducted by the militants. 

According to the report, killings have occurred in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger. 

HRW research Mausi Segun said, "Each week that passes we learn of more brutal Boko Haram abuses against civilians. The Nigerian government needs to make protecting civilians a priority in military operations against Boko Haram."

Most recently, civilians reported that the terrorists had kidnapped over 400 women and children from the village of Damasak in Borno state. 

Local Souleymane Ali told Reuters, "They took 506 young women and children [in Damasak]. They killed about 50 of them before leaving. We don't know if they killed others after leaving, but they took the rest with them."

Security against Boko Haram will be heightened in Nigeria this weekend, as civilians vote in presidential elections Saturday (March 28). Christian Today reports the elections had been postponed once previously due to threat of terrorism in the region. 

Publication date: March 27, 2015