Report: ISIS Could Wipe Out Christianity in Iraq by 2020

Report: ISIS Could Wipe Out Christianity in Iraq by 2020

Christianity in Iraq is at risk of dying out in as little as five years, according to a report from UK charity Aid to the Church in Need. 

Christians lived peacefully in Iraq since the inception of the religion, but when ISIS terrorists invaded the territory in 2014, tens of thousands of Christians were forced to flee. About 1.4 million Christians lived in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign; now 260,000 remain in the area, Express reports. 

British Prime Minister David Cameron commented on the atrocities: “Every day in countries across the world, Christians are systematically discriminated against, exploited and even driven from their homes because of their faith.

"Now is not the time for silence. We must stand together and fight for a world where no one is persecuted because of what they believe.”

Melkite Greek Catholic Archbishop Jean-Clement Jeanbart of Aleppo called the persecution “one of the most important challenges of our 2,000 year history.”

“Despite our problems here in the Middle East, we are doing everything we can to help those who lack food, clothes, or other essentials,” he said. 

Publication date: October 16, 2015