Pennsylvania Restaurant Forced to Open 'Church Bulletin Discount' to Atheists

  • Religion Today
  • Published Nov 30, 2012
Pennsylvania Restaurant Forced to Open 'Church Bulletin Discount' to Atheists

A settlement has been reached in an atheist's complaint against a Pennsylvania restaurant that offered a 10-percent discount to customers who provided a church bulletin while dining on Sundays, the Christian Post reports. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission said Nov. 28 that Prudhomme's Lost Cajun Kitchen in Columbia may continue providing the discount on Sundays as long as it omits the word "church" from its discount offer and accepts pamphlets pertaining to all faiths, even "publications from the Freedom From Religion Foundation." The discrimination complaint was filed on behalf of local atheist John Wolff in the summer of 2012, who argued the discount was discriminatory because he did not attend church. In response, restaurant co-owner Sharon Prudhomme argued it was merely a marketing attempt to increase business during slow Sunday afternoons.