Rick Warren's Bridge-Building With Muslims Draws Criticism

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Apr 22, 2013
Rick Warren's Bridge-Building With Muslims Draws Criticism

The Rev. Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, one of America's most influential pastors, has received criticism for a new effort to build bridges between Christians and Muslims. According to the Orange County Register, Warren has been outreaching for years to Muslims, including breaking Ramadan fasts at mosques and addressing thousands of Muslims at a national convention in D.C., and has now embarked on an endeavor called "King's Way" that aims to bring Christians and Muslims together. The Christian Newswire reports that Warren's church and Muslim leaders have co-authored a document outlining points of "agreement" between Christians and Muslims, affirming they believe in "one God" and share the "love of God" and "love of neighbor." They have also agreed to not evangelize each other. Warren has denied that he is promoting "Chrislam" -- a merging of Islam and Christianity -- but Steve McConkey, president of the ministry 4 WINDS USA, argues: "Rick Warren and others who follow him are being led in the wrong direction. Instead of fulfilling the Great Commission of winning and building men and women in the faith, they are building a Tower of Babel that leads to nowhere ... something like the 'bridge to nowhere.' ... Warren has confused the Great Commission with the 'Great Lie,' that we can reach man with a little truth but more love. However, 1 Corinthians 13:6 says 'Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.' As we love others, we need to present the truth clearly despite the resulting persecution."