Rick Warren Responds to 'Chrislam' Claims

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Apr 22, 2013
Rick Warren Responds to 'Chrislam' Claims

March 7, 2012

Megachurch pastor Rick Warren has issued a response to an Orange County Register article, "Rick Warren Builds Bridge to Muslims," that drew criticism from some Christian leaders who said he was embracing "Chrislam" -- a merging of Christianity and Islam. In the article, writer Jim Hinch said Warren was "acknowledging that Christians and Muslims worship the same God," but Warren said the article had misrepresented him and his outreach to Muslims. "Christians have a view of God that is unique," Warren said in his response, clarifying that he believed in the Trinity, a doctrine that Muslims deny. But the Christian Newswire reports that Steve McConkey of 4 WINDS USA, who accused Warren of promoting "Chrislam," isn't satisfied with Warren's response. McConkey said, "Jim Hinch must have read 'A Common Word Between Us and You'" -- a 2007 document supported by Warren and other prominent Christian leaders that called for "a common understanding between both faiths based on the Quran commandment 'O People of the Scripture! Come to a common word as between us and you: that we worship none but God.'" McConkey said Christians should not have signed the document "because Allah and the Judeo-Christian God are not the same. ... The problem is that [Warren] has a case of doublespeak."