Saeed Abedini Worships God in Prison during Visit with Father

Saeed Abedini Worships God in Prison during Visit with Father

Saeed Abedini was permitted to visit with his father in prison for an extended amount of time this week, a rare blessing for the pastor who has been imprisoned for his Christian faith for over two years. Abedini’s wife Naghmeh wrote on her Facebook page that the father and son were able to talk, pray and worship God.

"Saeed's father was able to see Saeed in prison today (behind a glass window). It was a wonderful time of fellowship and Saeed got to hear of all of your prayers and words of encouragement that you had shared. Nothing encourages him more than to know that you are all praying for him and that he is not forgotten," Naghmeh Abedini wrote. 

Charisma News reports prison guards watched the visit, but did not force Abedini and his father to end the time of fellowship. 

"They were allowing them to pray and worship together,” Abedini continued. “The normal 20-minute visit turned into 40 minutes, which turned into an hour, which turned into a few hours. Saeed and his father were shocked the amount of time that they were allowed. The presence of the Lord was so strong that the guards did not want to intervene and end the visit! Praise the Lord!"

Naghmeh Abedini also urged her husband’s supporters to pray for his health, as the prison food lacks nutrition and the water is of poor quality. 

"Saeed has not been able to purchase mineral water or protein from the prison store as they have stopped providing them for purchase which has affected his health," she wrote. “Thank you all for your prayers! Love you all!"

Publication date: February 20, 2015