Seattle Church Converting Strip Club into Christian Community Center

Seattle Church Converting Strip Club into Christian Community Center

A strip club known for its shady past of prostitution is undergoing a transformation into a Christian community center, thanks to Bethany Community Church in Seattle. 

According to Christian Post, the center will convert the building into church offices and a coffee shop as a form of community outreach. The church will also host community events and offer tutoring services. 

"When we first entered the building it had a very dark feeling; smoke filled carpets, black painted ceilings and walls, and mirrors everywhere. Before we started demolition, we met on Easter weekend and prayed and sang in the space to usher in the new story God was going to write through this place. It's God's story, we just get to play a small part," said associate pastor Scott Sund.

The area was formerly known to attract police; the church hopes the community center will turn the negative reputation around. 

"The location of the former strip club makes it a critical spot for mission in our community. It sits beside a high school and along one of the highest places of need in North King County. We want to be a church that serves the neighborhood and brings light to the city. This location is perfect for this purpose," said Sund. 

The community center is anticipated to open its doors in this fall. 

Publication date: June 13, 2014