Sheriff Says ‘No’ to Atheist Group Lobbying to Ban Phrase ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Vehicles

Sheriff Says ‘No’ to Atheist Group Lobbying to Ban Phrase ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Vehicles

The atheist group Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) has sent dozens of letters to sheriffs across the country, urging them to remove the phrase “In God We Trust” from patrol vehicles. One sheriff has a very concise and terse response.

The Blaze reports that Henderson County, Tennessee Sheriff Brian Duke received a letter from the FFRF, stating it was unconstitutional for the “In God We Trust” motto to be on government vehicles. 

Duke disagrees. He sent a letter back to the atheist group with one word: “NO” in bold.

“The U.S. Supreme Court says it’s perfectly legal,” Duke stated in an interview. “Basically everything I had to say I included in my letter.”

Other sheriffs who received similar letters from the FFRF also refused to comply, although they provided lengthier responses than Duke.

Sheriff Michael Adkinson of Walton County, Florida sent a letter back to the FFRF explaining why he was denying their request and why the phrase was not a violation of the Constitution.

The FFRF says it would take this case to court, but needs to find a plaintiff who would testify. Thus far, the group’s efforts to have the phrase removed both from currency and from government vehicles have been unsuccessful. 

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Publication date: September 23, 2015