Some Churches Will Offer Glitter Ashes on Ash Wednesday to Welcome Gay Community

Some Churches Will Offer Glitter Ashes on Ash Wednesday to Welcome Gay Community

Some churches will be offering glitter mixed in with ashes for their Ash Wednesday services this year, as a way to welcome members of the LGBT community.

Gay-affirming clergy members will mix purple glitter with the ashes they will put on congregants foreheads in tomorrow’s Ash Wednesday services, according to Christian Today.

The ashes put on worshippers foreheads in the shape of a cross signify human mortality and the need for a Savior. Ash Wednesday also marks the beginning of Lent, the 40 day period leading up to Easter.

Although some have called the glitter ashes irreverent, Rev. Marian Edmonds-Allen argues that it is quite the opposite.

“This Glitter Ash Wednesday, queer Christians are not being silly and disrespectful. They are claiming their birthright as children of a God that loves them, exactly as who they are,” she wrote in a blog post.

“These queer and queer positive Christians are claiming the journey that is Lent, towards the persecution and death of Jesus. And these queer and queer positive Christians also claim the resurrection of Jesus,” she continued.

“For when those ashes sparkle, that glitter shines, it is a reflection of the very light and life of Christ Himself, given up as a gift for all people. Queer Christians claim that gift, on Ash Wednesday, for all to see.”


Photo courtesy: Pinterest

Publication date: February 28, 2017