South Carolina: Torrential Rains Leave 12 Dead, Hundreds of Homes Flooded

South Carolina: Torrential Rains Leave 12 Dead, Hundreds of Homes Flooded

Flooding due to the torrential rains from Hurricane Joaquin are taking their toll on the state of South Carolina where at least 12 people have died in flood-related accidents. reports that, although the rains have subsided, South Carolina is likely going to have a long road ahead, taking inventory of flood damages and recovering. 

Recently, 10 dams broke in the state, causing rivers to spill over into homes, adding to the already high levels of water.

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley declined to provide an estimate of the cost of damages suffered by South Carolina, but it is thought that the number is in the billions.

A number of residents reported that their homes were vandalized after they returned to them after being evacuated. 

"Overnight, we had a break-in, so whatever was upstairs they came and took: TVs jewelry, everything," Columbia resident Pamela Courts told CNN local news affiliate WACH. 

Governor Haley reported that there have been 175 water rescues so far, and more than 800 people have been moved to temporary housing shelters. 

One man, Pastor Wayne Reeves, spotted a casket drift past on the floodwaters while he was being interviewed. He immediately waded into the water and helped to bring the casket back, stating, “"If that was my mom or my dad, I'd walk through hell and high water. And today it happened to be high water."

 A number of relief and humanitarian organizations are on site, helping victims of the flooding, including the National Guard and the Salvation Army. 

South Carolina residents are bracing themselves for the coming weeks as meteorologists say the flooding is far from over and rivers will likely continue to rise.

Publication date: October 6, 2015