Southern Baptist Convention Disagrees with Trump's Proposed Ban of Muslims

Southern Baptist Convention Disagrees with Trump's Proposed Ban of Muslims

A commission of the Southern Baptist Convention took an opposite stance from Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Muslim immigration policies.

Trump has called for an immediate ban of all Muslim immigration into the U.S. At a Southern Baptist convention event in Washington, Russell Moore, president of the convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, said that ban is “wrong.”

“Demonization of Islam is not only wrong, but could lead to some very difficult situations in terms of security,” Moore said. “If we’re going to confront radical Islam, we’re going to have to have Muslim and Arab partners.

“The conversations we’ve been having over the last couple of days ought to make the hair on the back of the neck of every Christian in the U.S. stand up. It’s not only an assault on basic religious freedom, but we’ll see those same impulses turned against us in the fullness of time.”

Jenny Yang, vice president of policy and advocacy for World Relief, told the commission that earlier this month two Afghan translators, who had helped the U.S. and resettled in California, had their property vandalized because they look like Muslims.

“Many of them feel like they’re being re-victimized,” she said.

Afshin Ziafat, a pastor at Providence Church in Texas, said that Christians need to have a biblical understanding of the refugee crisis. 

“We applaud missionaries who have an eternal perspective and take risks, but then when the mission field is coming to us all the sudden we’re saying no, get out, we want protection. The goal of a Christian shouldn’t just be to preserve my life but to expend my life for the gospel.”

Photo courtesy: Wikipedia

Publication date: December 11, 2015