Southern Baptists Expel California Church for Supporting Gays

Southern Baptists Expel California Church for Supporting Gays

A church in California has been expelled from the Baptist denomination for its views supporting homosexuals. The Southern Baptist Convention’s Executive Committee made the decision to disassociate with New Heart Community Church in a unanimous vote. 

Roger Oldham spoke for the committee saying, "We believe that, following the lead of Pastor Danny Cortez, New Heart Community Church has walked away from the Southern Baptist Convention's core biblical values.” 

Charisma News reports that Cortez had officiated a gay wedding and supported the lifestyle of his homosexual son, but wished to remain a part of the Southern Baptist Church. 

"We want to make it clear that while our hope has been to stay within the SBC denomination, we nonetheless hold them dearly as our brothers and sisters in Christ. We ask that God bless them, and bless us, as we all attempt to navigate this very difficult period of church history,” Cortez said after the committee announced its decision to expel the church.

Publication date: September 26, 2014