Spanish Model Gives Up Career to Be a Nun

Spanish Model Gives Up Career to Be a Nun

Spanish model and actress Olalla Oliveros has given up her career in the entertainment industry to answer a call to join the ministry. Oliveros reportedly visited the Sanctuary of Fatima in Portugal before deciding to join a convent, an experience she called an “earthquake” in her life. . 

The actress was featured in several TV shows and commercials, and had recently been cast in a film. However, Oliveros says she kept having a vision of herself as a nun, and felt that God was speaking to her. 

“He asked if I will follow Him, and I could not refuse,” Oliveros said. She joined the Order of Saint Michael in Spain. 

Christian Today reports that Oliveros is not the first model to answer a call to the ministry. Columbian Amada Rosa Perez joined the Roman Catholic Marian community in 2005. She now reports feeling peace.

“I grew tired of a world of lies, appearances, falsity, hypocrisy and deception, a society full of anti-values that exalts violence, adultery, drugs, alcohol fighting, and a world that exalts riches, pleasure, sexual immorality and fraud,” Perez said in a 2010 interview. 

Publication date: June 19, 2014