Study: Church Worship Spaces Empty Nearly 70 Percent of the Week

Study: Church Worship Spaces Empty Nearly 70 Percent of the Week

A new study has revealed that church buildings go largely unused for most of the week.

Christian Today reports that the study from the Center For Theology & Community titled Assets Not Burdens: Using Church Property to Accelerate Mission looks into how church buildings are used throughout the week.

Statistics show that church halls are empty 57 percent of the week, church worship spaces are empty 69 percent of the week, and church meeting rooms are empty 75 percent of the week.

Christian leaders have noted how disappointing these statistics are and have called for a renewed effort to engage communities through the local church. Instead of viewing church buildings as swallowing up too much money as well as time and effort to upkeep, Christian leaders are encouraging pastors and church members to view church spaces as avenues to foster missions.

"The solution lies in recognising their potential for mission," the study says, "which leads to church growth. We need a change of mind set." 

Bishop Dr. Joe Aldred issued a warning against allowing churches to become stale, stagnant, and empty places: "[B]eware buildings becoming mausoleums, objects of worship, places of pietistic retreat, or even places of exclusive cultural retreat," he said, adding that "All the resources which churches accumulate are intended by God to be put to use in the service of God and the mission of God in the world.”


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Publication date: February 9, 2017