Sudanese Military Kills Christian Mother in Bombing

  • Religion Today
  • Published Oct 15, 2012
Sudanese Military Kills Christian Mother in Bombing

Government bombing of ethnic Nuba civilians in a predominantly Christian town in Sudan's war-torn South Kordofan state last month -- which killed a mother of seven children -- is further evidence that officials are trying to rid the country of Christians, area Christian leaders said, according to ASSIST News Service. Sudanese government forces dropped five bombs from an airplane near a crowded market in Heiban on Sept. 27, killing Asia Omer Kuku and wounding six others. Kuku, whose youngest child is four months old, was working in a field near a church building when the bomb hit. Another Christian mother of seven children, Howeda Hassan, sustained a serious stomach wound and was described as in critical condition but without medical care. Since military conflict broke out in South Kordofan state in June 2011, Christians in the Nuba mountains have been living in fear and hunger. Humanitarian agencies have stated that the Islamic government is targeting civilians there as an "ethnic cleansing" of non-Arab peoples, while at the same time aiming to rid the area of its large Christian population. Sudanese president Omar al-Bashir has warned that Sudan's constitution will become more firmly entrenched in sharia (Islamic law).