Supreme Court Halts Texas Law Requiring Abortion-Performing Doctors to Have Hospital Privileges

Supreme Court Halts Texas Law Requiring Abortion-Performing Doctors to Have Hospital Privileges

Just two weeks after the U.S. Supreme court temporarily enforced House Bill 2 that implemented strict new abortion laws, the high court reversed its reprieve. 

In a 6-3 vote, the court blocked the pro-life bill allowing the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to consider the law's constitutionality. 

The Supreme Court initially ruled the law could stand during the lawsuit, according to  

“The Supreme Court’s decision only temporarily and partially prevents the Texas law from going into effect while the 5th Circuit finishes hearing the case,” Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Casey Mattox said in an email to LifeNews. “While that is disappointing, it should cause no great alarm. The state’s requirement against cut-and-run abortionists remains in effect for all but two abortion facilities. The restriction on abortions after 20 weeks on unborn children who can feel pain was never challenged and remains in effect today. Likewise, the limitations on chemical abortions up to seven weeks gestation and prohibiting abortionists from sending women home alone to abort have been upheld and remain in effect. We remain confident that the entirety of Texas’s law will ultimately be upheld.”

As Christian Headlines previously reported, the law mandates abortionists have admitting privileges at a local hospital. HB2 also bans late-term abortions.

Publication date: October 16, 2014