Survey: People Turn to God After Disaster

  • Religion Today
  • Updated Jun 03, 2013
Survey: People Turn to God After Disaster

When natural disasters occur, most Americans take increased interest in God and donate to relief agencies. One-third of Americans also believe prayer can avert natural disasters. These are among the findings of a LifeWay Research study conducted days after a deadly tornado devastated parts of Oklahoma May 20, Baptist Press reports. According to the study, a third of Americans increase their trust in God during times of suffering. In response to the question "How do you feel about God when suffering occurs that appears unfair?" the most common response was "I trust God more" (33 percent). Twenty-five percent said "I am confused about God." Nearly six in 10 Americans (57 percent) agree with the statement "When a natural disaster occurs, my interest in God increases." Thirty-one percent disagree and 12 percent don't know. Fifty-one percent disagree that praying can avert natural disasters, while 34 percent believe it can avert natural disasters. Additionally, 30 percent of Americans post on social media that they are praying for specific people or things, and almost 60 percent of Americans donate to relief agencies in the wake of natural disasters.