Syria: Christians Increasingly Being Targeted, Driven From Homes

  • Religion Today
  • Published Jul 26, 2012
Syria: Christians Increasingly Being Targeted, Driven From Homes

According to church sources inside Syria, Christians are increasingly being targeted and driven from their homes and districts, the Religious Liberty Prayer Bulletin reports. Some 138,000 Christians have fled Homs, where Christians have been terrorized and churches have been looted and occupied by rebel forces. At least 9,000 Christians have fled the neighboring western city of Qusayr after the leaders of a rebel faction issued an ultimatum that was repeated from mosque minarets. "We will chop you up and feed you to the dogs," Sunni cleric Adnan Arour warned Syrian loyalists in a fatwa -- Christians and Muslims alike. According to Elizabeth Kendal of Religious Liberty Monitoring, "The plight of Christians is being buried under a mountain of propaganda from the jihadists and the U.S.-Saudi-Gulf Arab axis, which is seeking to hurt Iran through regime change in Syria. Please pray for Christians in Syria, including thousands of Assyrian-Chaldean refugees from Iraq."