Ted Cruz Receives Endorsements from Prominent Christian Leaders

Ted Cruz Receives Endorsements from Prominent Christian Leaders

A number of prominent Christian leaders have recently endorsed Ted Cruz for president.

According to Christian Today, the Texas Senator has received endorsements from Christian radio network pioneers Dick and Rich Bott, Christian entrepreneurs Jason and David Benham, and President of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins.

“Not since Ronald Reagan has this country seen someone with the ability and the wisdom that Ted Cruz has. Our listeners are eager to select the next President of the United States—a man of principle, of Christian character, and a proven leader with a record of conservative accomplishment," said Dick Bott who founded Bott Radio Network.

Other supporters also commented on Cruz’s credentials, including his strong Christian character.

“Ted Cruz has the humility to understand this truth,” said the Benhams. “At this crossroads in American history, we need a President that acts from the inside out, one who relies on principles not polls, and is grounded in the Constitution, not cultural trends. From protecting religious liberty and preserving family values to rejecting big government and rebuking the 'establishment.’”

Tony Perkins added that Cruz “has the highest level of support among America’s pastors because his political rhetoric matches his public record.”

Polls show that Cruz is in a close race with Donald Trump going into this evening’s Iowa caucuses.

Publication date: February 1, 2016