Teen Reality TV Show Features Evangelical Comedians Performing at Church Camps

Teen Reality TV Show Features Evangelical Comedians Performing at Church Camps

A new reality TV show for teens aims to portray Christians in a different light. “All Summer Long” follows a group of college-aged Evangelical comedians as they travel to different church camps, perform, and make connections with young people. 

Executive producer and co-creator Edward J. Portillo was inspired to begin the project after his own experience in a summer camp ministry group. “That ended up changing my life. Up until that point, I had not understood relational evangelism. I didn’t understand what was truly mentoring,” Portillo said. 

“All Summer Long” is intended to emphasize the importance of mentoring youth, inspire young people to get involved with creative arts, and re-establish summer camps reports Charisma News. Portillo seeks to do all this and still be an outlet for the gospel. 

Cast member Amy Vogt said, “It’s important for youth to see that being a Christian is fun. The media portray that fun is drugs, alcohol and partying, but they joy of the Lord is so much more powerful.”

"All Summer Long" debuted on JUCEtv, Parables.tv and Newreleasetuesday.com.

Publication date: July 8, 2014