Temple of Baal Arches to Rise in New York City and London

Temple of Baal Arches to Rise in New York City and London

New York City and London are preparing to erect replicas of the arches that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Syria on April 19. The New York Times reports the Temple of Baal previously existed in Palmyra, but the ancient structure was destroyed by ISIS last year. 

According to Charisma News, the Temple of Baal arches will be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London. But author Michael Snyder says the timing of the replicas’s construction is suspect. 

Snyder writes, "April 19 is the first day of a 13-day period of time known as 'the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast' that culminates on the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1.” 

He continues, "Is it just a coincidence that we are erecting arches for this ancient deity in New York and London on a date that is exceedingly significant for those that worship this ancient deity? Could it be possible that there is more to these 'gateways' that are being constructed than we are being told?"

Breaking Christian News reports that the ancient worship at the Temple of Baal included child sacrifice and sexual immorality. 

Snyder believes that the world has entered “the last days.” 

"From this point forward, things are going to get much, much stranger. Ultimately, the world that we live in is going to come to resemble something out of a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel," Synder said.

Publication date: April 6, 2016