Texas Megachurch Initiates Tithing Challenge with 100 Percent Blessing Guarantee

Texas Megachurch Initiates Tithing Challenge with 100 Percent Blessing Guarantee

A megachurch in Texas has launched a tithing initiative that will refund 100 percent of offerings it receives in a 90 day period if God does not follow his promise of blessing those who give. Fellowship Church of Grapevine, Texas is urging members to participate in the 90-Day Challenge, an idea based off of the Old Testament scripture verse Malachi 3:10. 

The verse says, “‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do,’ says the Lord of Heaven’s armies, ‘I will open the windows of Heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Put me to the test!’” 

Pastor Ed Young of Fellowship Church sparked the campaign to live out the scripture. “Each of us has a unique opportunity to be a part of the incredible life change happening around us at Fellowship Church by bringing our tithes and offerings to the House,” reads the description of the initiative. 

“If you are not tithing already, the 90-Day Challenge is the best place to start. We commit to you that is you tithe for 90 days and God doesn’t hold true to his promise of blessings, we will refund 100 percent of your tithe.” 

The Fellowship Church is not the first congregation to attempt a tithing campaign with a refund guarantee. Pastor Miles McPherson of the Rock Church in California led a 90-day offering campaign as well reports The Christian Post.

He said, “I think you will be amazed to discover how much better you will live on 90 percent of your income with your faith in the Lord verses 100 percent of your income and just your own strength. When we bring our first and best to God, He promises to bless the rest.”

Publication date: June 16, 2014