Texas Prayer Garden is the Setting of Many Miraculous Encounters with God

Texas Prayer Garden is the Setting of Many Miraculous Encounters with God

A Texas prayer garden with a massive cross statue has reportedly been instrumental in drawing many to Christ.

CBNNews.com reports that the “Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden” in the hill country of  Kerrville, Texas, is the brainchild of Max Greiner, who also is a scultpor of statues for the garden.

“We’ve built this garden as a place where people can connect with God without having to go through a bunch of religion,” states Greiner who also said God first gave him the vision for the garden in 2002.

A giant cross is the main sculpture in the garden. It is made of CorTen steel and stands 77 feet tall and weighs approximately 70 tons.

Sculptures of Jesus, Bible verses in multiple languages, and other religious art complete the garden. Chaplains are also nearby and visitors can write prayer requests on stones and place them near the cross.

Thousands of people from over 30 countries have visited the garden and encountered Jesus.  

Greiner says that the garden is in a special location. “This garden is at the same latitude as Israel,” he says. “So God sovereignly put it in this place, this bible belt of Texas. The plants, everything, the hills, the limestone rocks, it all looks like Israel.” 

Greiner says that God has used the garden to speak to peoples’ hearts.

“Addictions are being broken off, alcoholics are coming, drug addicts are coming. Again 19 people were suicidal that we know of, and came up and God set them free from the spirit of suicide. And they gave their life to Christ,” he shares.

A special Easter service is also scheduled to take place in the garden on the Saturday before Easter. The service will feature worship music, Christian speakers, and a celebration of the Resurrection.

Greiner invites everyone to come visit the garden, which is free and open to all.

“All you have to do is come and you’ll find Jesus there,” he says. “You’ll find the Holy Spirit there, and the Father’s there. And it’s for everybody, whether you’re a believer or whether you’re from other religions or no religion, or just wondering. We just invite you to come.”

Photo courtesy: Thinkstockphotos.com

Publication date: March 22, 2016