The Awakening of Jewish Christian Mutual Support

  • Jonathan Feldstein Inspiration from Zion Host
  • Updated Nov 06, 2023
The Awakening of Jewish Christian Mutual Support

Like many Israelis, I have had the privilege over the last few weeks of stepping up and doing things on behalf of others in a way that has been particularly uplifting, especially at these challenging times. Making things even more uplifting is the fact that I represent the Genesis 123 Foundation which builds bridges between Jews and Christians and Christians with Israel. Arguably, this has never been a more significant time to do so, nor have we ever seen the outpouring of Christian support for Israel at this level.

It’s not just a comfort for me but for many Israelis to see the support of Christians all around the world as solid as it is. Israeli Jews across the spectrum who never had anything to do with Christians and may have never even met a Christian are having the opportunity to see and experience the genuine warmth and support from Christians, in many cases, for the first time.   

While Christian support for Israel is certainly not new, following the inhuman massacre that was inflicted on us on October 7 by the Islamic terror group Hamas, I have had the occasion to speak with many Jewish and Christian friends about how this is a game-changer. In the weeks following the horrors of 10/7, this is the first time since the Holocaust that we see Christians unequivocally standing up for Israel and the Jewish people in the face of such atrocities at this level. Sadly, while there are a number of notable exceptions of Christians acting morally as Christians, defending and saving Jews during the Holocaust did not happen on any widespread basis.  Sadly, in most cases, the “church” and Christians then did more to persecute Jews and abet the Nazi genocide than to prevent it.

Over years of working closely and developing meaningful personal relationships with many Christians, I have lost count of how many times people have expressed their grief and horror that Christians did not do more then, than they did not act to save God’s chosen people, Jesus’ own brethren. Jews should know that nearly a century later, long before any of us were ever born, Christians around the world are still repenting for the crimes of those who share the same faith but not the same love for Jews.

All of this came together in one unique experience when, on behalf of the Genesis 123 Foundation, we were able to support dozens of evacuees from Gaza border communities, raising money to provide housing in Jerusalem, meals, and activities through a network of Jewish and Christian donors. And through this, we had the privilege of making a barbecue for the evacuees last week. In this video, some of the Israelis we have been helping express their effusive gratitude for Christian support. What’s also remarkable is not just the expression of gratitude but that most of these people had never even met a Christian person before they were evacuated from their homes.

On top of the initiative of the Isaiah Projects to bring the evacuees to Jerusalem, and many general donations that enabled us to pay for their hotel, largely from clients and friends of Jerusalem‘s interior design and architecture firm, J. Mark Interiors, and a network of Jews and Christians, who came together to volunteer and pay for this beautiful event including Cry for Zion, Christian Friends of Israel, and many individuals, we saw Israelis coming together in the best way that we do, especially at the most troubling times.

Through the father of one of my son’s friends who owns a kosher meat distribution company, we were able to purchase dozens of kilos of chicken, kebabs, and chorizo at a price that was so ridiculously low that I don’t know how he made any money. Maybe he didn’t.

He shared how almost every day since the beginning of the war, he has been providing meat and going all over the country wherever he could to BBQ for soldiers and others. When I explained that most of the money was coming from Christians around the world to support this, he was overwhelmed.  As the grandson of Holocaust survivors, the idea of Christians helping Jews was foreign and unimaginable.

Coming together to organize the BBQ, my wife and daughters and a close family friend took the bull by the horns, pun intended, and rallied numerous volunteers to prepare salads, buy drinks, and provide everything that was needed for a beautiful meal to show our love and support and contribute in some way personally to these people whose lives have been uprooted.

Kevin and Clint manned the grills. A Jew and a Christian.  Many others volunteered from the setup to clean up.

Perhaps most meaningful to me in all of this is one person who has been critical of my work with Christians and volunteered to help prepare the food. This person did so out of love and nationalism for our brothers and sisters here, not because it was me or the Genesis 123 Foundation involved specifically. But this person also got to experience unconditional love and support from Christians all over the world. This person complimented me at the end of the evening and expressed gratitude for having the privilege to participate. Another woman, the daughter of Holocaust survivors, told me how she was raised to distrust Christians.  Participating in the evening changed her perspective.

Perhaps, hopefully, an unintended consequence of all of this will be the realization among Israeli Jews that even with theological differences with our Christian friends, they are our friends, and we should engage in any opportunity to strengthen and reciprocate it.

Generally, Jews did not have Christian support in any significant way during the Holocaust and mostly suffered because of the “church.” Now, with the greatest number of Jews massacred on any one day since the Holocaust, the unwavering Christian support and prayers for Israel and the Jewish people are at a level never known before in history. Ever.

This does not diminish the suffering that we, as Israeli Jews, have endured and are enduring, but it is helpful, encouraging, and redemptive.  It is something we must reciprocate and build upon together.

You can join the coming together of Jews and Christians in support of Israel and one another and support humanitarian projects of the Genesis 123 Foundation Israel Emergency Campaign at

Photo Courtesy: ©Getty Images/Alexi J. Rosenfeld / Stringer

Video Courtesy: Genesis 123 Foundation via YouTube

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of Christian Headlines.

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of CrosswalkHeadlines.

Jonathan Feldstein

 Jonathan Feldstein is president of the Genesis 123 Foundation. He was born and educated in the U.S. and immigrated to Israel in 2004. He is married and the father of six. He is a leader working with and among Christian supporters of Israel and shares experiences of living as an Orthodox Jew in Israel through his work, writing, and as host of the Inspiration from Zion podcast. He can be reached at