The Pope Will Star in Two New Christian Films This Month

The Pope Will Star in Two New Christian Films This Month

The 266th man to hold the Papal reigns is starring in not one, but two movies coming out this May.

The film will donate all profits to Los Hogares de Cristo and El Almendro. These charities, close to Pope Francis’ heart, are located in his home-country of Argentina and provide aid to at-risk children and young adults.


Written and directed by Graciela Rodriguez Gilio, Beyond the Sun, is a modern day tale of hope, faith and courage based on stories from the Bible. Featuring an awe-inspiring appearance by His Holiness Pope Francis, the film chronicles the adventures of four young friends in search of God.  This uplifting story is intended to spiritually engage and encourage audiences of all ages to live their best life, make good choices and help others. Distributed by AMBI Distribution, BEYOND THE SUN, will be available for purchase across multiple platforms including iTunes, Amazon, and TUGG on May 15th.


See below to watch the trailer for Beyond the Sun.

Photo courtesy: Grace Hill Media

Publication date: May 15, 2018