Pastor Matt Chandler Urges Christians to Trust God is in Control of Politics

Pastor Matt Chandler Urges Christians to Trust God is in Control of Politics

Matt Chandler, pastor of The Village Church in Texas, said that Christians don’t need to be worried about what is going on in politics because God is in control of everything.

According to Christian Today, Chandler affirmed that "The Lord's at work in this political process. He's not panicked or nervous – He already knows who our next president is."

Chandler recently discussed Christians and politics in a podcast with fellow pastor Josh Patterson and The Village Church staff members Kyle Worley and Anne Lincoln Holibaugh.

Chandler stressed that Christians should place their hope in God rather than the political systems of the world.

He went on to say, however, that Christians should be involved in their local communities, working to defend Christian values, such as the right of the unborn.

Chandler said that “pro-life” refers not only to unborn children, however, but also to issues of poverty, immigration, and war tactics, and that Christians should seek to be pro-life in all these issues.

Patterson added that it is important for Christians to exhibit “prayerfulness, posture of humility, and a recognition that God is the ultimate hope” during this tumultuous time in America.

Publication date: April 19, 2016