'This Is a Result of a Fallen World,' Franklin Graham Says of the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Amanda Casanova ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor
  • Published Apr 07, 2020
'This Is a Result of a Fallen World,' Franklin Graham Says of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Franklin Graham says the coronavirus pandemic is happening because of sin in a “fallen world” that has “turned its back on God.”

Graham, an evangelical leader and president of the organization Samaritan’s Purse, said in an interview with Fox News’ Jeannie Pirro that the pandemic is a “result” of the “fallen world.”

“This pandemic, this is a result of a fallen world, a world that has turned its back on God,” Graham said in the interview. “So I would encourage people to pray and let’s ask God for help.”

Pirro also asked Graham what he says to people asking the question of why God would allow the coronavirus outbreak to happen?

“I don’t think that God planned for this to happen,” he responded. “It’s because of the sin that's in the world. Man has turned his back against God. We have sinned against Him. We need to ask for God’s forgiveness.”

Graham also talked about the emergency field hospital that Samaritan’s Purse had set up in New York City’s Central Park.

New York City is one of the hardest-hit cities with the coronavirus. As of Monday, there are more than 67,550 confirmed cases of the virus and some 3,000 related deaths.

As Christian Headlines previously reported, Samaritan’s Purse opened the 68-bed respiratory care unit on April 1. The unit is staffed with some 70 doctors, nurses and other medical workers. There are also chaplains available on-site to minister to the sick and the staff.

“We never thought we would be in New York City, that’s for sure,” Graham admitted. “These tents are state-of-the-art mobile hospitals.

“This is a very serious situation,” he said. “We need God’s help. Of course, in Central Park, our doctors and nurses are Christian men and women. We pray for our patients. We have chaplains there to pray for our patients. We care for everybody that comes in. And of course, we want people to know that God loves them and He hasn’t forgotten them. We are there to care for them in Jesus’ name."


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H/T: The Christian Post

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Pool

Video courtesy: Fox News

Amanda Casanova is a writer living in Dallas, Texas. She has covered news for ChristianHeadlines.com since 2014. She has also contributed to The Houston Chronicle, U.S. News and World Report and IBelieve.com. She blogs at The Migraine Runner.